So you want to take America's guns? Ok well you have done the easy part, you have talked about it. So tell me, how in the heck do plan on collecting them? Please share with me this plan because I'm not seeing it ever happening. What, you think if you pass some law that Americans will just hand them over? You plan on going door to door?
Good luck with that.
I mean really. You know what they say, be careful what you wish for.
I don't even own a gun but I am scared of the day you try to take them from any American and say it is because of these shooters, really scared.
I hate what happened in Oregon and every other mass shooting that happens in our Country but you people are just asking for trouble with this gun control shit. I'm serious. You think there is gun violence now? It won't be pretty. It scares me to think about it because it would be like war here in our own Country. I mean do you really believe the NRA would allow this to happen without one hell of a fight? They wouldn't. And they shouldn't.
Our Constitution is set up for a reason and you can't go changing it unless you are willing to change it across the board. You can't uphold certain rights and not others, it doesn't work that way. And plus, it would be the government that would have to take the guns and they are exactly who the 2nd Amendment was set up to protect us from. It would be a war, right here in America.
I have always said that other Countries that mess with us are dumb because they think these politicians represent the American people but they really don't. Taking over the politicians would be easy but trying to take over the American People would be a whole different story. We would never be the same. You may think not the same is good but you don't know that. We would have so many pissed off people here, it would be uglier than it gets sometimes now.
Hey it sucks that people are dying in mass shootings, especially when they are kids. I have kids, I get that. But I also get that people are dying for other reasons as well in this Country and we don't seem to make as much of a fuss about it and that makes me mad.
In 2013, over 10,000 people lost their lives due to drunk driving, that's a lot of people. I don't see any bans on cars . What I do see is us prosecuting the drunk drivers because they are the ones at fault.
In 2010, a total of 25,692 people died of alcohol induced causes in the United States, no bans on alcohol that I know of.
In 2010, there were 38,329 drug overdose deaths in the United States due to Pharmaceutical Drugs. No bans on legal drugs.
We don't have bans on these things because there has to be a level of accountability in this Country, you cannot expect everyone to take the blame for one persons actions, why do we all have to be accountable for this one guys decisions? We Don't have to be. And what kind of a message does this send the next shooter? We won't blame him, we will blame the guns not that these guys give one shit what we think but I am just saying.
I don't have the answers, I don't know what we can do to change this but what I do know is that this latest shooting and the one at Sandy Hook both had shooters that were not stable people and they both had Mother's that stood by knowing this and did nothing and even encouraged these kids to play with guns. I think if we really want some answers, that would be a very good place to start looking.
It pisses me off that these Mother's would take these boys shooting and would allow them to have guns in their homes.
But I guess you feel it would be more difficult to tackle this issue than it would to try and take America's guns.
Well as I said....Good luck with are going to need it.
So you want to take America's Guns?
Monday, October 5, 2015
Drug overdose,
Drunk Driving,
Gun Control,
Oregon shooting,
Sandy Hook,
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